灣仔診所: 香港灣仔謝菲道90號豫港大廈11字樓全層(灣仔地鐵站 C 出口) 佐敦診所: 九龍白加士街59號健能發展大廈3樓全層
Pain Specialist
Online Consultation on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
SYT Wellness was founded in 2015 by Cheung Yung EC who has practiced TCM for more than 30 years. Its core services include acupuncture, spinal manipulation, bonesetting, pulse prescription, Qi-gong and Chinese herbal therapy.
Today, we are pleased to provide a remote consultation service at the comfort of your own home.

Who we care for

I have questions about my health,
should I use the consultation service?

Safe at home

I cannot come outside of my own home.
Can I get professional opinions?

Safe and Easy

I am not familiar with computers,
is online consultation difficult to operate?

Chinese medicine delivered to your door

Is the product I received safe?
Our Professional TCM Team
Ma Wai Kwan RCMP

Ma Wai Kwan
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

RCMP: 008271
Guangzhou Chinese Medicine University
– Master in Chinese Medicine
Beijing Chinese Medicine University
– Bachelor in Chinese Medicine
Li Chung Heung, RCMP

Li Chung Heung, Sphinx
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

RCMP: 009465
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
- Bachelor in Chinese Medicine
Patent Products
骨通貼 Bone Relief Patch ®


由上醫堂創辦人, 痛症專家張勇經過多年醫師研製

3大科研活化關節成份 (葡萄糖胺、軟骨素、有機硫MSM) 有效補充關節、骨骼及跟腱耗損,保持組織健康、抗炎消腫。SGS 認證不含冬青油 Methyl Salicylate 和類固醇、採用十多種特效草本成份製成, 適合各種體質。



SGS 認證不含水楊酸

根據衞生防護中心2010527日之報告 , 「水楊酸甲脂」(methyl salicylate)及「樟腦」(camphor)兩種成份,該兩種成份在吞服後可能引致嚴重副作用,塗於大範圍的皮膚上或以熱敷以促進成份的吸收,亦可能引致不適症狀。尤以兒童特別容易出現較嚴重的副作用。這兩種成份的副作用包括腹痛、噁心、嘔吐、肚瀉、頭痛、視覺問題、暈眩及神志迷糊。

骨通貼 Bone Relief Patch ® 經過 SGS 認證不含水楊酸(methyl salicylate)
Test Items